Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Unearthly Challenge WIP #3

I made a rail asset. I could be modulate.

I started blocking out the meshes based on the concept art.
I wasn't happy about the shape of stalactites, it seemed too much stylized.

I realized that the mine cart was distracting focal point.
I changed the position of it.

My team mate, Kyoungche Kim, has done wonderful job for the texture of stalactites.
We used vertex painting feature for transition between two different textures. It blends perfectly!
We don't have enough time to make every single building. The deadline of Unearthly Challenge 2013 would be soon.
I needed to design the modular system for buildings. Our team has to use same assets as much as possible but it should make lots of combinations.

It seems likely the building modular system worked perfectly.
I only use 8 asset to make that building.

I made the roof of the building. It seemed likely that the building was made in Renaissance period.
We decided to change the roof and the lighting.

It has almost done. But we needed to think about the focal point. It wasn't enough to
I and Kyoungche, my teammate, has two ideas for it.
We usually paint over 3D rendering shots.
It is time-saving, and it is perfect for developing ideas further.
We have two idea about the focal point.


1. Ruby crystal cave.
We put cool ruby crystals on the scene. Some of crystals might found in the cracks of stalactites.
It might be magical crystals to warm up people.
We were happy about the bottom design. But it looked similar to Diablo3.
We thought it looked Diablo3 because of the color of crystal was red. We tried to change the color to orange- yellow. It looked better than red, but people might read it as gold crystals.

2. Magma cave.
We put magma on the bottom. Some top of the building might be perfect to storage their heat source. I put snow on the opposite of the magma. Now, it has more color variation. Even the particle effects are making the scene colorful. We can't wait to use Vertex painting features on the pulley chains.

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