Saturday, June 7, 2014

[WIP] The war of the world tree - Dwarf cannon soldier.

I'm currently doing my personal project after working hours, The war of the world tree.

There are two faction in the game.
The Alien Destroyers want to destroy the world tree and explode the earth. They are searching valuable underground resources in the universe. They use advanced technology to kill the Guardians.
The Guardians were established by human, elf and dwarf. They are the protectors of the world tree and the earth. They use magic and strength to protect the wild.

It is next-gen graphic real-time strategy game. The game engine would be Unreal engine. I'm going to make a 9 characters, 8 buildings, 2 maps and few particle effects myself. The objective of this project is develop my creation skills and get the experience about making my own game.

I'd like to make 3D graphic demo.

<A dwarf cannon soldier>
They are long-range siege unit. The shooting range is pretty long. But it needs long time to reload and the dwarf moves slowly. Also, the shooting makes lots of noises and enemy could spot the location right away.
They are specialize to destroy enemy buildings and congregated units.

In terms of the visual development, I thought about how dwarf carry the cannon. Two of them might carry the cannon together or a dwarf carry the cannon on his/her backpack. Pulling the cannon cart was interesting idea, but it could be caused confusing which part is the front of the unit.
There was lots of fun to design the cannon. some cannon has square shape and 5-gon shape. However, I decided to use simple structure that could be easily recognized in the far away. The cylinder shape was my best choice.

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